The system Bendix were using to manage Brake Pad product data was a combination of paper-based systems (corrective actions & NCRs), Excel workbooks and proprietary software (inspection and calibration). Over time, this system proved difficult to maintain product integrity as paperwork was getting mislaid, data was not easy to track, and had to be manually scanned for record-keeping purposes. Numerous Excel workbooks were being used due to the broad range of products requiring incoming inspection.
The company needed a system that allowed them to manage their Brake Pad details, incorporating Non-Conformance reporting, Device Calibration, Data Management for Inspections, Credit Returns and Customer Complaints.
Integration with existing product data was a desirable requirement of a new system, so Bendix began searching for a solution that would assure the product integrity they demanded. The Documentation Group had implemented Aras Innovator, a Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) solution, for the management of product-related data and information, which would also achieve the objective they wanted.
Matrix worked with FMP to initially develop a Proof-of-Concept database using Aras Innovator. This enabled FMP to identify and test all the functionality they were looking for to enable them to manage their Brake Pad information successfully. The Proof of Concept was hugely successful in delivering everything they needed, and resulted in Matrix developing an Aras Innovator-based Quality Management System integrated with their current FMP PADS production environment. This included a production database that provided a platform of information for Parts and Shapes used for several of Bendix’ product ranges. Aras Innovator is now configured to act as a repository for Bendix’ product information, which can easily be imported from the existing Excel files.
Since adopting Aras Innovator, FMP has increased the accuracy of product information including ready access to product & quality information. Staff and contractors are now able to identify and have better visibility of nonconformances and corrective actions. Dale Lauton, FMPs’ Infrastructure Manager who looks after all their IT Systems, finds that staff can now also have ready access to data and reports. Feedback from users of the system has been positive, with ongoing improvements regularly being identified and put in place to further improve and refine the system. Everyone at FMP know they can contact Matrix at any time and that they are always fully supported.
"After 16 years managing the PAD’s (Product Action Documentation system) the implementation of Aras has brought FMP into the 21st century with a central product data management depository for the FMP Group which includes FMP Thailand and Malaysia. Doc Group began with implementation at the end of 2019 and after 3 years, the level of product information on hand just keeps getting better. It’s a legacy that will be part of FMP well into the future”. Judy Humphries, Documentation Group Manager